If you’ve ever struggled to set the time or change your wake-up alarm time, you likely know the importance of ease of use. You’ll likely want a digital readout that you can decipher when you roll over in the middle of the night, but you also don’t want it to be so bright that it lights up your entire room. One thing to consider is the ease of use of your alarm clock. Even some digital clocks use changing colors as a wake-up technique to combine this new approach with traditional alarm clock design. It simulates the natural light from the sunrise, working with your body’s circadian rhythms to gently nudge you awake. One alarm clock actually model uses light therapy techniques to wake you up gently and naturally. There’s another option that you may have missed along the way.

But there are also alarm clocks that sync to your phone, letting you wake up to music from your playlist.

You can still get the standard digital alarm clock that lets you choose between disruptive beeps and other noises versus waking up to a local radio station. If it’s been a while since you’ve gone alarm clock shopping, you may be surprised to hear about the many options now available. It frees you from the burden of having your smartphone next to you as you sleep, for one, while also giving you a wider range of options as to how you’ll be awoken. Many people today use a smartphone to wake up, but there are still benefits to an alarm clock. Alarm clocks have been used for more than a century for pulling people out of a deep slumber, evolving in sophistication along the way. Waking up is never easy, especially if you don’t get to do it on your own.